


  1. aalto (myös fysiikassa)

  2. heilautus

Liittyvät sanat: wavy , waver



  1. liikehdintä, liike, gravitaatioaalto, painovoima-aalto, siniaalto, heilahtelu, heiluminen, aalto, aaltoilu.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä






heiluttaa puhekieltä To move back and forth repeatedly.


{{quote-journal|date=October 1, 2011|author=Tom Fordyce|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä To wave one’s hand in greeting or departure.
puhekieltä To have an undulating or wavy form.
puhekieltä To raise into inequalities of surface; to give an undulating form or surface to.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
horns whelked and waved like the enridged sea
puhekieltä To produce waves to the hair.
(RQ:Chrsty Atbgrfy)
There was also hairdressing: hairdressing, too, really was hairdressing in those times — no running a comb through it and that was that. It was curled, frizzed, waved, put in curlers overnight, waved with hot tongs;(nb..).
puhekieltä To swing and miss at a pitch.
puhekieltä To cause to move back and forth repeatedly.
puhekieltä To signal (someone or something) with a waving movement.
puhekieltä To fluctuate; to waver; to be in an unsettled state.
He waved indifferently 'twixt doing them neither good nor harm.
To move like a wave, or by floating; to waft.


To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand; to signify by waving; to beckon; to signal; to indicate.
Look, with what courteous action / It waves you to a more removed ground.
(w) (1809-1892)
She spoke, and bowing waved / Dismissal.


  • "(onnistuneest kaapattu tietosalkku) wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass! (Heiluta hyvästit teidän salaiselle sonnalle, tollo!)"

  • "wave goodbye to ya head, wanker! (Heiluta hyvästit päällesi, idiootti!)"


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