


  1. peseminen

  2. pyykki



  1. peseytyminen, peseminen, astianpesu, astioiden pesu, pesu, työ.

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peseminen, pesu

pyykki puhekieltä The action of the verb to wash
1855, Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow

I then took a piece of dry stone, ground it fine in a mortar, and placed the powder in water, the sand particles sunk rapidly to the bottom, while the clay remained suspended, and by several washings and decantings the sand and clay could be approximately separated (..)
puhekieltä clothing Clothing, bedlinen or soft furnishings that have been, are currently being, or are to be washed; laundry.
My mother used to do the washing on a Monday
puhekieltä The residue after an ore, etc, has been washed
The washings have a higher concentration of metal
The liquid used to wash an ore.
A place where a precious metal found in gravel is separated from lighter material by washing.

the gold-washings, or silver-washings

A thin covering or coat.

a washing of silver

puhekieltä A fraudulent transaction in which the same stock is simultaneously bought and sold for the purpose of manipulating the market.
puhekieltä The covering of a piece with an infusible powder, which prevents it from sticking to its supports, while receiving the glaze.
(present participle of)


  • "washing MAHINES WITH TRANSPARTENT LID AROUSE SINFUL THOUGHTS! As lingerie rotates around the washing machine, if you watch it, it arouses sexual thoughts in your mind!"


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