

  1. (tanssi) valssi



  1. seuratanssi, valssi, tanssimusiikki, voitto, menestys, varma voitto, helppo saavutus, tanssia, panna jalalla koreasti, karkeloida, jorata, tanssia valssia, valssata.

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tanssia valssia

helppo saavutus A ballroom dance in 3/4 time.
A piece of music for this dance (or in triple time).
puhekieltä A simple task.
puhekieltä To dance the Noun waltz (with).

They waltzed for twenty-one hours and seventeen minutes straight, setting a record.

While waltzing her around the room, he stepped on her toes only once.

puhekieltä To accomplish a task with little effort.(rfe)
puhekieltä To move briskly and unhesitatingly.

He waltzed into the room like he owned the place.

You cant just waltz him in here without documentation!''

puhekieltä To move with fanfare.
1884, (w), w:Adventures of Huckleberry Finn|Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, s:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn/Chapter XLIII|Chapter the Last:
And he said, what he had planned in his head from the start, if we got Jim out all safe, was for us to(..) take him back up home on a steamboat, in style, and pay him for his lost time, and write word ahead and get out all the niggers around, and have them waltz him into town with a torchlight procession and a brass-band, and then he would be a hero, and so would we.

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