
englanti (ja-romanization of)
bath (gloss)

Aya waku nitsenu.

Let's go to the bathing place together. (lit., Let's go to the bathing place with me.)

Piye waku! Enupai kamo. Tsokojo pitsu!

Go bathe! The sun is high in the sky. You're like an agouti!

(Agoutis are tropical American rodents about the size of a rabbit. The Wauja say they avoid water.)

Kanaipai ninyeulu, tsala? Aitsa painyakupai. Iya waku papa itsenu.

Q: Where's my sister-in-law, dear boy? addressing a nephew regarding his mom's whereabouts. A: She's not home. She went to bathe with dad.

Anatapai umejo. Aitsa iyapai waku itsenu. Aitsa aintyapai umapiya, paponaku pata aintyapai. Anatatai.

She rejects her husband. She doesn't go to bathe with him. She doesn't eat his catch the food he provides; she eats only in her parents' house. She simply rejects him.


waku rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haku, sekahaku, tietokonehaku, paikanhaku, ruoanhaku, viranhaku, luvanhaku, muutoksenhaku, lainhaku, tiedonhaku

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