


  1. Etiopiasta ja Eritreasta lähtöisin oleva paistamalla valmistettava liharuoka

Liittyvät sanat: watti.


englanti A Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia.

There are two wats near this village.

Angkor Wat

1996, James Bissett Pratt, The Pilgrimage of Buddhism and a Buddhist Pilgrimage, page 194:
It would be a mistake, however, to emphasize the Hindu element in Cambodian Buddhism and Cambodian temples. At its greatest it is always a subordinate element and in most of the wats or temples it hardly appears at all, (..)
A kind of stew or curry eaten in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
puhekieltä (alternative spelling of)
puhekieltä Used to contradict an underlying assumption held by the interlocutor.
what (gloss)
which (gloss)
that (gloss)(attention)
puhekieltä what: e.g. (1) asking for a subject complement; (2) asking for a sentence object

(1) Wat is dat?What is that?

(2) Wat wil je doen?What do you want to do?

puhekieltä what: e.g. (1) as the object of a sentence; (2) ditto

(1) Ik weet niet wat ik wil doen. — I don't know what I want to do.

(2) Jij moet afblijven van wat jij daar ziet. — You must not touch what you see there.

puhekieltä that: e.g. (1) modifying an indefinite pronoun like iets, niets, alles or het enige; (2) modifying an adjective that is used as a noun, usually a superlative

(1) Geef mij maar alles wat eetbaar is. — Please give me everything that is edible.

(2) Het duurste wat er was. — The most expensive that there was.

puhekieltä which: e.g. (1) modifying the demonstrative pronouns dat and datgene; (2) referring back to an entire sentence

(1) Hij nam precies datgene wat ik had gewild — He took exactly that which I had wanted.

(2) Jantje deed het in z’n broek, wat zijn moeder in verlegenheid bracht. — John did it in his pants, which embarrassed his mother

puhekieltä something: e.g. (1) as subject; (2) as subject complement

(1) Daar loopt wat rond.Something there is walking around.

(2) Dat is aardig wat! — That is quite something! i.e. "That is quite a lot!"


Ik wil graag wat kersen.

I want some cherries please.

a bit, somewhat

Hij doet dat wat onbedachtzaam.

He does that somewhat unthoughtfully.

puhekieltä (alternative form of)

Wat überlegste?

What are you thinking?''

puhekieltä what

Wat ass däin Numm?

What is your name?

Ech weess net, wat ech maache soll.

I don't know what I should do.

A person.
A rabbit.
A hare.
(alternative form of), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l).
(l) (gloss)
what (qualifier)
cotton wool



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valjaat, silavaljaat, turvavaljaat, luokkivaljaat, hevosenvaljaat, hevosvaljaat, tikkaat, konetikkaat, lapetikkaat, laituritikkaat

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