

[[image:aileron pitch.gif|thumb|''un avión volando'' = lentävä lentokone]]

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Esimerkkejä volar sanan käytöstä:

La CIA trabaja para validar el vídeo del grupo talibán que quería volar el metro de Barcelona.

Liittyvät sanat: vuelo



jalkapohja- puhekieltä Pertaining to the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot.
to (l) (gloss)
to fly
to have a will (to do something)
puhekieltä to fly (gloss)
to fly, to fly away
to blow up
to anger, to exasperate, to infuriate
to rouse
to make fly out
to release (a hunting falcon)
to raise to the top of the line (e.g., a letter or number)
to flutter, to hover
to spread like wildfire
to disappear suddenly
to jut out, to project
to sell like hotcakes


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