


  1. lääketiede|k=en virusperäinen, virus-

  2. virusmainen, viruksen kaltainen

  3. markkinointi|Internet viraali

Esimerkkejä viral sanan käytöstä:

viral infection

Top 10 must-see viral videos of the week.

A video featuring a group of young women twerking alongside a friend’s open grave in Soshanguve has gone viral. (

Liittyvät sanat: virally

Liittyvät sanat: virallinen, virallisesti, virallisluonteinen, virallistaa, virallistua, virallisuus.



virus- puhekieltä Of or relating to a biological virus.

viral DNA

puhekieltä Caused by a virus.

viral infection

puhekieltä Of the nature of an informatic virus; able to spread copies of itself to other computers.
puhekieltä Spread by word of mouth, with minimal intervention in order to create buzz and interest.
puhekieltä A video, image or text spread by "word of mouth" on the internet or by e-mail for humor humorous, political or marketing purposes.
2002, Nik Lever, Flash Mx Games: ActionScript for Artists, Focal Press, page 411,
Using the Flash ActiveX control in this way allows you as a developer to create desktop characters, email virals and screensavers.
2003, Dave Chaffey, Total E-Mail Marketing, Elsevier, page 2,
Most virals are not seen as profiling and data collection exercises, since that would kill the impulse of forwarding to a friend.
2005, Russell Evans, Practical DV Filmmaking, Focal Press, page 289,
Music company virals are becoming commonplace as costs of promos force labels to reconsider how to target more directly to consumers.
(l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


  • instanssi: virallinen taho


viral rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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