


  1. jälki, merkki (jostain aiemmasta lähes kadonneesta)

  2. jäännös, jäänne; ripe

  3. (kieltoilmauksissa) häivä, häivähdys, hitunen, rahtu, vähäisin määrä

Esimerkkejä vestige sanan käytöstä:

'vestiges' of former, more prosperous, days

the last 'vestiges' of Soviet power

The Church strove to erase every 'vestige' of paganism.

:Kirkko pyrki poistamaan joka ikisen pakanallisuuden jäänteen.

The law removed the last 'vestiges' of the monarchs power.

:Laki poisti monarkin vallan viimeisetkin rippeet.

The appendix is a 'vestige' of a redundant organ that had digestive function in ancestral species.

:Umpisuoli on jäänne turhaksi muuttuneesta elimestä jolla oli ruoansulatuksellinen tehtävä edeltäjälajeilla.

There is not a 'vestige' of truth in her allegations!

:Hänen syytöksissään ei ole totuuden häivääkään!

You dont have a 'vestige' of evidence!

:Teillä ei ole vähäisintäkään todistetta!

Liittyvät sanat: vestigium



  1. jälki, jalanjälki, merkki, osoitus.

Lisää synonyymejää



jälki, jalanjälki The mark of the foot left on the earth; a track or footstep; a trace; a sign.
A faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost, or has perished, or is no longer present; remains.


(quote-book)|year=1788|passage=The result, therefore, of this physical inquiry is, that we find no vestige of a beginning,— no prospect of an end.
(quote-book)|section=S:Descent of Man/Chapter I|Chapter I|title=S:Descent of Man|Descent of Man|year=1871
(quote-book)|title=S:The Time Machine|The Time Machine|section=S:The Time Machine/Chapter VIII|Chapter VIII
puhekieltä A vestigial organ; a non-functional organ or body part that was once functional in an evolutionary ancestor.
1904 Transactions of the(..)annual session, Volume 40, Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, p160
Any person seeing such a condition could not help being frightened at the conditions found, and it seems to me that that fact should lead us to think that the appendix is a vestige or becoming so.
1932 (w), Riddles of science, Ayer Publishing, p824
Now this paired organ of Jacobsen began in reptiles and is well developed in many mammals. But in man it is a vestige, often disappearing altogether; and the two openings are closed.
2007 R. Randal Bollingera, Andrew S. Barbasa, Errol L. Busha, Shu S. Lina, & William Parkera, "Biofilms in the large bowel suggest an apparent function of the human vermiform appendix," Journal of Theoretical Biology
This idea was confirmed by Scott, who performed a detailed comparative analysis of primate anatomy and demonstrated conclusively that the appendix is derived for some unidentified function and is not a vestige.
(nl-verb form of)
English vestige, relic


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