
Esimerkkejä vestibular sanan käytöstä:

Labyrinthitis ossificans, the pathologic ossification of the otic capsule associated with profound deafness and loss of vestibular function occurs frequently as a sequella of bacterial meningitis and subsequent purulent labyrinthitis. Experimentally, in Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis, it has been shown that a vigorous inflammatory response to teichoic acids in the bacterial cell wall contributes to cochlear damage and subsequent fibrosis and ossification. The hypothesis of this study is that a dilution of concentration of inflammatory mediators through cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) irrigation will lead to a reduction in both inner ear pathology and permanent hearing loss. []



vestibulaarinen, tasapaino- Of or pertaining to a vestibule in a building.
1861, (w), The English Cathedral of the Nineteenth Century, page 158,

(..)while the outer world was fenced off by the interposed atrium or vestibular cloister,(..).
Of or pertaining to a vestibule (gloss).
Of or pertaining to the vestibule of the inner ear, the vestibular system, the vestibular nerve, or the vestibular sense (vestibular impulses).
1859, Erasmus Wilson, William H. Gobrecht, A System of human anatomy, general and special,
Ampulla of the perpendicular semicircular canal, receiving a fasciculus from the superior branch of the vestibular nerve(..).
puhekieltä Of or pertaining to the surface of a tooth that is directed outward toward the vestibule of the mouth, including the buccal and labial surfaces, and opposite the lingual (or oral) surface.
A competitive examination used by Brazilian university universities to select students.
2002, Malika Hollander, Brazil: The People (page 23)
Students usually complete high school when they are seventeen years old. If they want to go to college or university, they must pass a difficult test called the vestibular, which takes two or three days to write.
an admittance test for Brazilian universities
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


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