


  1. muuttua, vaihdella

Liittyvät sanat: variant , variable



  1. vaihdella, vuorotella, heilahdella, hyppiä, panna säröilemään, muuttaa, muuttua, muunnella, linnuttaa, siirtyä.

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muuttua, vaihdella puhekieltä To change with time or a similar parameter.

He varies his magic tricks so as to minimize the possibility that any given audience member will see the same trick twice.

puhekieltä To institute a change in, from a current state; to modify.

You should vary your diet. Eating just bread will do you harm in the end.

Gods, that never change their state, / Vary oft their love and hate.
We are to vary the customs according to the time and country where the scene of action lies.
puhekieltä Not to remain constant: to change with time or a similar parameter.

His mood varies by the hour.

The sine function varies between &x2212;1 and 1.

While fear and anger, with alternate grace, / Pant in her breast, and vary in her face.
puhekieltä To display differences.

''The sprouting tendency of potatoes varies between cultivars, years and places of growing.

puhekieltä To be or act different from the usual.

Im not comfortable with 3.Nc3 in the Caro-Kann, so I decided to vary and play exd5.''

puhekieltä To make of different kinds; to make different from one another; to diversity; to variegate.
Sir Thomas Browne
God hath varied their inclinations.
God hath here / Varied his bounty so with new delights.
puhekieltä To embellish; to change fancifully; to present under new aspects, as of form, key, measure, etc. See variation.
puhekieltä To disagree; to be at variance or in dissension.
Webster (1623)
the rich jewel which we vary for
puhekieltä alteration; change.


rice (gloss) seeds used as food


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