


  1. korkealuokkainen, kallis, paremmasta päästä oleva

Esimerkkejä upscale sanan käytöstä:

This is a very 'upscale' neighbourhood; the houses must be really pricey.

Neiman Marcus is an 'upscale' American department store chain that only sells high-end products.

Liittyvät sanat: high-end



  1. varakkaalle väestölle tarkoitettu, kallis.

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kallis puhekieltä Marked by wealth or quality; high-class.
2013 June 18, w:Simon Romero|Simon Romero, " Protests Widen as Brazilians Chide Leaders," New York Times (retrieved 21 June 2013):

In Rio de Janeiro, thousands protested in a gritty area far from the city’s upscale seaside districts. In other cities, demonstrators blocked roads, barged into City Council meetings or interrupted sessions of local lawmakers, clapping loudly and sometimes taking over the microphone.
2002 "This strategy of rotating the garage with respect to the street has become popular in many upscale housing developments nationwide primarily becaues it de-emphasizes the garage and makes the house look more like their traditional counterparts from the turn of the last century." — Sarah Susanka, Not So Big Solutions for Your Home
To increase in size, to scale up.


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