


  1. purkaa (lasti, rahti); tyhjentää

  2. ...

Esimerkkejä unload sanan käytöstä:

Tanks and heavier vehicles were in the lower deck and were unloaded first. (bbc.co.uk)

The crews waved back and then unloaded their cargo of whale meat. (bbc.co.uk)

A man was crushed by his own car after it rolled back as he was unloading shopping.

During the eruption between 4 - 5 million cubic metres of lava was unloaded in the form of pyroclastic flows.



  1. toimittaa, kuljettaa, purkaa, purkaa lasti, tyhjentää, jättää, viedä, jättää laiturille, pudottaa jtk lentokoneesta.

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purkaa, purkaa lasti puhekieltä To remove the load or cargo from (a vehicle, etc.).

to unload a ship; to unload a camel

puhekieltä To remove (the load or cargo) from a vehicle, etc.

to unload bales of hay from a truck

puhekieltä To deposit one's load or cargo.
1998, Robert A Corbitt, Standard handbook of environmental engineering
Some stations have collection vehicles unload on the floor, using a front loader to push material into the hopper.
puhekieltä To give vent to or express.
1984, John Arlott, David Rayvern Allen, Arlott on cricket: his writings on the game
...who bowled with such fury that he needed beer to give him something to sweat out, and who unloaded his emotions in words as hard as his bowling.
puhekieltä To remove (something previously loaded) from memory.
1993, Tony Martin, Lisa C Towell, The NewWave agent handbook
When you unload a DLL, the memory and other system resources it is using will become available for use by other applications.
puhekieltä To discharge, pour, or expel.
puhekieltä To get rid of or dispose of.

to unload unprofitable stocks

puhekieltä To deliver forcefully.
puhekieltä To ejaculate, particularly within an orifice. (rfe)
puhekieltä To draw the charge from.

to unload a gun


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