

  1. kielteinen, epäsuotuisa, kriittinen, kritisoiva, arvosteleva, halventava, vastainen.

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vastainen disadvantageous Disadvantageous, adverse, unsuitable, inconducive; serving to hinder or oppose.
1863, w:Henry David Thoreau|Henry David Thoreau, Excursions, ch. 6:

The shade of a dense pine wood, is more unfavorable to the springing up of pines of the same species than of oaks within it.
puhekieltä Not favorable, disapproving.
1860, w:George Eliot|George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss, ch. 11:
Yet the thing she most dreaded was to offend the gypsies, by betraying her extremely unfavorable opinion of them.
puhekieltä Causing obstacles or delay; not conducive to travel or work; inclement.
1855, w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville, Israel Potter, ch. 17:
The wind was right under the land, the tide unfavorable.
Not auspicious; ill-boding.
1903, w:Anna Katharine Green|Anna Katharine Green, The Filigree Ball, ch. 6:
The fact that the bride went through the ceremony without her bridal bouquet is looked upon by many as an unfavorable omen.


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