


  1. kahdesti




kaksi kertaa, kahdesti two Two times.
1934, (w)

Santa Claus is coming to town. / He’s making a list, / And checking it twice, / He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice. / Santa Claus is coming to town.
puhekieltä Doubled in quantity, intensity, or degree.
Thus it appears that if the machine is turning twice as slow as before, there is more than twice the former quantity in the rising buckets; and more will be raised in a minute by the same expenditure of power.
{{quote-book|title=Domesticated Trout: How to Breed and Grow Them|year=1896|edition=fourth
You can't get anything thinner than a spring shad, unless you take a couple of them, when, of course, they will be twice as thin.
{{quote-book|year=1995|title=Highly Qualified Women|author=Louise Corti, Heather Laurie, Shirley Dex
Both men and women with higher qualifications were twice as less likely to be unemployed than their less qualified counterparts.


twice rimmaa näiden kanssa:

soft ice

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