

  1. fi-v-taivm1|58|t|u|nge

Liittyvät sanat: tungeksia, tungetella, tungetteleva, tungettelevasti, tungettelevuus, tungettelija.


englanti (l) (gloss)
1856, Frederik E. Schiern, Historiske studier, page 86
Men da ei Grunden blev tilstrækkelig / For Folkets Antal, drog de over til / Det sorte Bjerg, ja til det hvide Land, / Hvor, skjult bag ved en evig Muur af Iis, / Et andet Folk med anden Tunge taler.
: But when the place was insufficient / For the numbers of the people, they went to / The black mountain, yes, to the white land, / Where, hidden behind an eternal wall of ice, / Another people in another tongue speaks.
2014, Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim, Rosinante & Co (ISBN 9788763836302)
Deres høvding havde talt til ham i hans eget folks sprog og forklaret mange ting, som det var vanskeligt at udtrykke i en anden tunge.
: Their chief had spoken to him in his own not the chief's people's language and explained many things that would have been difficult to express in another tongue.
(form of)
(monikko) tung|lang=da
taivutettu muoto
(monikko) tung|lang=nb
a tongue
tongue (organ)

Menneske kan smaka med tunga.

Humans can taste with their tongue.

something that resembles a tongue (organ)
(definite singular of)
(monikko) tung|lang=nn


tunge rimmaa näiden kanssa:

image, bridge, sitoumusbridge, college, beige

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