

  1. kottikärry, kaksipyöräiset kärryt, lantakärryt.

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kaksipyöräiset kärryt, lantakärryt A kind of medieval torture device, later associated with a cucking-stool.
A cart which opens at the back to release its load.
1800, The Times, 17 Mar 1800, p.3 col. B:

They then confined the Dean, while they rifled the house of every valuable article, as well as plate and money; all that was portable they loaded on Mr. Carleton’s own tumbril, to which they harnessed his horse ....
(quote-text)|title=The Crossing|passage=They’d rigged a makeshift tent of sheeting over the little tumbril of a cart and they’d put up a sign at the front that gave her history and the number of people she was known to have eaten.
(quote-text)|title=Underworld|passage=This is a sixteenth-century work done by a Flemish master, Pieter Bruegel, and it is called The Triumph of Death (…). He studies the tumbrel filled with skulls.
A cart used to carry condemned prisoners to their death, especially to the guillotine during the w:French Revolution|French Revolution.
1848, The Times, 26 Jun 1848, p.4 col. B:
It is now ascertained that the tumbrel and the torches which figured in the massacre-scene of the 23d of February were prepared beforehand ....
2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 370:
If there would be former freemasons on the Committee of Public Safety during the Terror, they would be numbered too in the ranks of the émigré armies and counter-revolutionary Chouan rebels, and in tumbrils bound for the guillotine.
puhekieltä A basket or cage of osiers, willows, or the like, to hold hay and other food for sheep.


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