


  1. liian


englanti puhekieltä crazy Crazy, mad, strangely behaving; especially as attributed to hot weather.

Barry′s gone troppo and married that sheila he′s only known for two weeks.

After three months by himself on his ‘dream’ tropical island he went troppo and smashed all the equipment.

1989, w:Rosie Boycott|Rosie Boycott, All for Love, page 163,
(..)She calls these rehearsals my singing lessons - but at least I don′t have people rushing in thinking I′ve gone troppo . . .’
‘Except me.’ Violet′s smile lingered as she gazed at him.
2009, Paul Tapp, Disquiet - the Justifiable Homicide of an Australian Vietnam Veteran, page 121,
For a lone Digger gone troppo, as Joe is deemed to have done, it is a realistic scenario.
too much
too many (troppi - di troppo)
too much, too many
too much, too long, too far

allegro ma non troppo

cheerful but not too much


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juoppo, salajuoppo, ilmajuoppo, rapajuoppo, raidejuoppo, kaappijuoppo, ruorijuoppo, tuurijuoppo, kausijuoppo, rattijuoppo

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