
Tarkoititko: trippi

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englanti puhekieltä A Bachelor of Arts appointed to make satirical strictures in humorous dispute with the candidates at a degree-awarding ceremony; tripos, prævaricator.
puhekieltä A vessel (usually a pot or cauldron) resting on three legs, often given as an ornament, a prize, or as an offering at a shrine to a god or oracle; often specifically, that such vessel upon which the priestess sat to deliver her oracles at the shrine to Apollo at Delphi; tripod.
puhekieltä The hindmost Weberian ossicle of the Weberian apparatus, touching the anterior wall of the swimbladder and connected by a dense, elongate ligament to the intercalarium.
three-footed seat, tripod
1531, Procopius Caesariensis, De rebus Gothorum, Persarum ac Vandalorum libri VII, page 262
Tripus ferrea ante regiã ſemper ſtare ſolebat…
: An iron tripod always used to stand in front of the palace…
English Tripus (qualifier)
1826, Br̮ge Thorlacius, Vas pictum Halico-graecum quod Orestem ad tripodem Delphicum supplicem exhibet, main title (Schultz)
Vas pictum Halico-graecum quod Orestem ad tripodem Delphicum supplicem exhibet


tripus rimmaa näiden kanssa:

riipus, kaulariipus

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