

  1. kolminkertainen

Liittyvät sanat: quadruple



  1. moninkertainen, usea, kolmois-, kolminkertainen, kolminkertaisuus, kolmoispesälyönti.

Lisää synonyymejää






kolmikko Made up of three related elements, often matching

The triple markings on this vase are quite unique.

Three times the quantity

Give me a triple serving of mashed potatoes.

Designed for three users

a triple room

Folded in three; composed of three layers
Having three aspects; very ambiguous.

a triple meaning

puhekieltä Of time, three times as fast as very fast.
puhekieltä One of three; third.


puhekieltä A drink with three portions of alcohol.

Ive had a hard day; make that a triple.''

puhekieltä A hamburger with three patty patties.

Id like a triple with cheese.''

puhekieltä A three-base hit

The shortstop hit a triple to lead off the ninth.

puhekieltä A takeout shot in which three stones are removed from play.
puhekieltä A sequence of three elements or 3-tuple.
To multiply by three

The company tripled their earnings per share over last quarter.

puhekieltä To get a three-base hit

The batter tripled into the gap.

To become three times as large

Our earnings have tripled in the last year.

To serve or operate as (something), in addition to two other functions.
1982, Popular Mechanics, Best tools for your electronics workbench (volume 157, number 1, page 106, January 1982)
Radio Shack's All-Purpose Crimper/Cutter ($9.95) doubles as a wire stripper and triples as a bolt cutter.
2011, Mel LeCompte, The Tee Cotton Bowl
Examination rooms contain shelves overstuffed with football helmets, autographed equipment and even rugby gear. If the office doubles as a mini-museum, it also triples as a minichapel.
puhekieltä (l), treble, hat trick
puhekieltä (l)
(inflection of)
Feminine plural form of triplo
(definite of)
(form of)
English triple


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ale, ginger ale, chippendale, kale, riekale, roikale, suikale, kekkale, vonkale, huiskale

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