
Tarkoititko: treenata

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englanti puhekieltä 1042.
1896, Frank H. Hall, The Werner Arithmetic, Oral and Written, Book Two, Parts I and II:
The names of the periods above trillion are as follows ... 15th, tredecillion ...
1946, United States Department of Commerce, The United States Department of Commerce: How it serves you on land and sea and in the air:
3 quindecillion, 657 quattuordecillion, 262 tredecillion; which is to say the figures 3,657,262 followed by 42 ciphers. Operators of the key punch machines transfer a code symbol from the Census ....
1994, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, The Arithmetic Teacher, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1994):
The answer is read as: 13 sexdecillion, 253 quindecillion, 796 quattuordecillion, 742 tredecillion, ....
puhekieltä 1078.


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