


  1. transsukupuolinen, transseksuaalinen

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  1. homoseksuaalinen, homo, homo-, transseksuaalinen, transsukupuolinen, henkilö, ihminen, henki, anomalia, poikkeuksellinen henkilö, poikkeava, transseksuaali.

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transsukupuolinen, transseksuaalinen

transseksuaali puhekieltä Having changed, or being in the process of changing, physical sex (because it does not match desired sex) by undergoing medical treatment such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and optionally sex reassignment surgery (SRS), or rarely only SRS.
A Adjective transsexual person.
{{quote-video|year=1995|title=w:To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar|To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar
(ante) Myra Love, Reality’s Friends, excerpted in Gertrude M. James Gonzalez and Anne J. M. Mamary (editors), Cultural Activisms: Poetic Voices, Political Voices, SUNY Press (1999), ISBN 978-0-7914-3965-4, page 107:

He claimed that they had this wonderful and loving relationship in which the transsexual-to-be had felt that his suitor truly loved him the way he was and didn’t want him to have the surgery, (..)
2003 December 9, Kitty Fine, “How to Tell If Your Fella Wants to Be a Woman!”, in w:Weekly World News|Weekly World News, ISSN 0199-574X, page 14:
Hundreds of women every year are taken completely by surprise when their husbands announce they want to undergo sex-change surgery — and the news is even more shocking when comes, as it often does, from a burly he-man who’d given no clue to his inner girl. ¶ But the signs are definitely there if your husband is dreaming of becoming a transsexual, says a new study by a top sexologist.
(ante) anonymous, “My Husband’s Secret”, in Grandma Joy, Grandma Joys Hope for Hurting Women: Healing the Wounds of the Past and Gaining Hope for the Future'', Destiny Image Publishers (2006), ISBN 978-0-7684-2351-8, page 133:
He was wearing women’s clothes before he had the surgery; then, he actually became a transsexual, and they (amazingly) stayed together.
2012, Patrick Slattery, Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era
Being a transsexual is not something that can be ignored or suppressed forever. Unlike the fascinations of the cross dresser or the partially altered transgenderist, the absolute compulsion of classical transsexualism is a matter of life and death.
English transsexual
a English transsexual person


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