

  1. lävistää, puhkaista, seivästää, naulata, kiinnittää neulalla, keihästää, lamauttaa, vallata, lumota, kiinnostaa.

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puhkaista puhekieltä A discontinuous affix, which occurs at more than one position in a word, typical of Semitic languages.
puhekieltä To render motionless, by arouse arousing terror, amazement or awe.
puhekieltä To pierce with a sharp pointed weapon.
1919, w:William Somerset Maugham|W. Somerset Maugham, w:The Moon and Sixpence|The Moon and Sixpence, s:The Moon and Sixpence/Chapter LII|chapter 52

There was a little stream that ran not far away, in which he bathed, and down this on occasion would come a shoal of fish. Then the natives would assemble with spears, and with much shouting would transfix the great startled things as they hurried down to the sea.
puhekieltä To fix or impale.

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