

  1. herkullinen, ruokahalua kiihottava, syömäkelpoinen, syötäväksi kelpaava, syötävä, miellyttävä, houkutteleva, maittava, makoisa, maukas, hyvän makuinen.

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herkullinen, houkutteleva

makoisa delicious Delicious.
1908: w:Lucy Maud Montgomery|Lucy Maud Montgomery, w:Anne of Green Gables|Anne of Green Gables

"It's a lot nicer than going round by the road; that is so dusty and hot," said Diana practically, peeping into her dinner basket and mentally calculating if the three juicy, toothsome, raspberry tarts reposing there were divided among ten girls, how many bites each girl would have.
Sexually attractive.
1989, David John Cawdell Irving, Göring: a biography
In 1919 he had been waiting at a bus stop, en route to his initiation as a Freemason: a toothsome blonde had crossed his path, and he had stalked off after her instead.


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home, harmaahome, pahkulahome, punahome, lumihome, kuparihome, maitohome

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toonika, toope, toora, toosa, top, topaasi

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