


  1. (auton, polkupyörän) rengas

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  1. auton rengas, autonrengas, kumirengas, rengas, ilmarengas, rattaan pyörä, voida huonosti, väsyä, uupua.

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Liittyvät sanat: tirehtööri.



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pitkästyttää puhekieltä To become sleepy or weary.
puhekieltä To make sleepy or weary.
puhekieltä To become bored or impatient (with)

I tire of this book.

puhekieltä To bore
puhekieltä accoutrements Accoutrements, accessories.
the tire of war
puhekieltä dress Dress, clothes, attire.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, I.vii:
Ne spared they to strip her naked all. / Then when they had despoild her tire and call, / Such as she was, their eyes might her behold.
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), New York Review of Books 2001, p.66:
men like apes follow the fashions in tires, gestures, actions: if the king laugh, all laugh ….
A covering for the head; a headdress.
On her head she wore a tire of gold.
Metal rim of a wheel, especially that of a railroad locomotive.
puhekieltä The rubber covering on a wheel; a tyre.
A child's apron covering the upper part of the body, and tied with tape or cord; a pinafore. Also (m).
puhekieltä To dress or adorn.
Bible, 2 Kings ix. 30
Jezebel painted her face, and tired her head.
puhekieltä To seize, pull, and tear prey, as a hawk does.
Even as an empty eagle, sharp by fast, / Tires with her beak on feathers, flesh, and bone.
Ben Jonson
Ye dregs of baseness, vultures among men, / That tire upon the hearts of generous spirits.
puhekieltä To seize, rend, or tear something as prey; to be fixed upon, or engaged with, anything.
Thus made she her remove, / And left wrath tiring on her son.
Upon that were my thoughts tiring.
A tier, row, or rank.
In posture to displode their second tire / Of thunder.
(form of)
(inflection of)
puhekieltä tire, tyre (of a car, truck, etc)
To English tire.
(es-verb form of)
"-" Hyphen-minus symbol, used as a hyphen, minus sign, and a dash.


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