


  1. kimalle, (joulukuusen) kimallenauha, kimallepunos

  2. kuva pintakiilto, pinnallinen loisto

Liittyvät sanat: Tinseltown



  1. koriste, somiste, koristus, ornamentti, koriste-esine, lanka, rihma, hopeanauha, tinanauha, rihkama, punoa, punoa yhteen, kutoa yhteen, kutoa brokadia hopealangalla, antaa, suoda, lahjoittaa, antaa oma lisänsä, vaikuttaa osaltaan, lisätä, tuoda mukanaan, kaunistella.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



kutoa brokadia hopealangalla


tinanauha, hopeanauha

kaunistella A shine shining material used for ornamental purposes; especially, a very thin, gauzelike cloth with much gold or silver woven into it; also, very thin metal overlaid with a thin coating of gold or silver, brass foil, or the like.
w:John Dryden|John Dryden:

Who can discern the tinsel from the gold?
Very thin strips of a glittering, metallic material used as a decoration, and traditionally, draped at Christmas time over streamers, paper chains and the branches of Christmas trees.
Anything shining and gaudy; something superficially shining and showy, or having a false luster, and more gay than valuable.
w:William Cowper|William Cowper:
O happy peasant! O unhappy bard! His the mere tinsel, hers the rich reward.
glittering Glittering, later especially superficially so; gaudy, showy.
1590, (w), The Faerie Queene, III.1:
Her garments all were wrought of beaten gold, / And all her steed with tinsell trappings shone ....
puhekieltä To adorn with tinsel; to deck out with cheap but showy ornaments; to make gaudy.
w:Alexander Pope|Alexander Pope:
She, tinseled o'er in robes of varying hues.
puhekieltä To give a false sparkle to (something).


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