

  1. monenkeskinen, monipuolinen, monitahoinen, kolmiosainen, kolmenkeskeinen, kolmenkeskinen, kolmenvälinen.

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kolmiosainen (qualifier) relating to three different directions.

''a three-way valve

Sexual activity involving three persons; a threesome; a ménage à trois.
2007, Lainie Speiser, Threesomes: For Couples Who Want to Know More, page 22:
But how many men will actually admit to having had a three-way with another man and one woman?
1995, Deborah Abbott, Ellen Farmer, From Wedded Wife to Lesbian Life: Stories of Transformation, page 263.
I had a three-way with two other women in my class.
1992, Dennis Cooper, Frisk, page 117.
A guy Julian and you had a three-way with millions of years ago. I used to watch you guys screw through the keyhole sometimes.
A serving of Cincinnati chili with spaghetti and cheese.


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