

  1. arkinen, tavanomainen, banaali, lattea, arkipäiväinen, jokapäiväinen, tavallinen, kulunut, vanhanaikainen, vanhentunut, hiutunut.

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kulunut puhekieltä shabby, frayed and worn to an extent that warp threads show
2014, (w), Blessed. Cursed. Claimed., National Geographic (December 2014)

Unkempt, in threadbare clothes, with holed shoes and sun-cured hide, my costume is permanent: the traveler, the man from far away.
damaged or shabby
Thomas Carlyle
Holy Virgin stood in the main Convent of Glatz, in rather a threadbare condition, when the Prussians first approached; the Jesuits, and ardently Orthodox of both sexes, flagitating Heaven and her with their prayers, that she would vouchsafe to keep the Prussians out.
puhekieltä wearing clothes of threadbare material
puhekieltä banal or clichéd; trite or hackneyed


threadbare rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kare, lohkare, kivilohkare, kivenlohkare, kallionlohkare, kalliolohkare, irtolohkare, siirtolohkare, jäälohkare, kokkare

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