

  1. pidike, tappi, hankatappi, tappihankain, hankain.

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hankatappi puhekieltä To suffer.
14th c, w:Geoffrey Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer, The Freres Tale, w:The Canterbury Tales|The Canterbury Tales, 1840, Alexander Chalmers, Samuel Johnson (editors), The Works of the English Poets from Chaucer to Cowper'', Volume 1, page 56,

"Heit scot, heit, brok, what, spare ye for the stones? / The fend (quod he) you fecche, body and bones, / As ferforthly as ever ye were foled, / So mochel wo, as I have with you tholed. / The devil have al, bothe hors, and cart, and hay.”
puhekieltä To endure, to tolerate, to put up with.
1932, (w), Sunset Song, Polygon 2006 (A Scots Quair), p. 44:
But then they heard an awful scream that made them leap to their feet, it was as though mother were being torn and torn in the teeth of beasts and couldn't thole it longer ….
1955, (w), The Cone-Gatherers, Canongate 2012, p. 107:
While they were enjoying their meal and placidly tholing the cacophony from the wireless set, they saw the first of the Ardmore workers arrive in the café.
puhekieltä patience Patience, endurance; the ability to endure or bear something.


A pin in the side of a boat which acts as a fulcrum for the oars.
1847, (w), Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie, Part the Second, II. ll. 841-842:
Swiftly they glided away, like the shade of a cloud on the prairie. / After the sound of their oars on the tholes had died in the distance
*1973, Patrick O'Brian, HMS Surprise:
The oars squeaked against the tholes, the blades dipped with a steady beat, and the sun beat down: the boat crept across the sea.
The pin, or handle, of a scythe snath.
(inflection of)


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