


  1. ajatella

  2. ~ about ajatella jkta/jtak, miettiä jkta/jtak, pohtia jtak

  3. luulla, arvella

  4. ~ of ajatella jotakuta, ajatella jostakin jotakin, pitää jonakin

  5. olla jotakin mieltä

  6. (suora objekti) pitää jkta/jtak jkna/jnak

  7. ~ up keksiä mielessään jotain

Esimerkkejä think sanan käytöstä:

I thought about the problem for three hours but couldn’t find the solution.

I think she’ll pass the examination.

Do you think so?

Thinking of you.

I hope you dont think badly of me for leaving.

Nobody seriously thought of her as a suitable candidate.

Contrary to most people, I think she is pretty.

I think its just wrong.

I thought him a very nice young man.

She thought Tom a country bumpkin.

I guess you think me odd...

I can think up plenty of excuses not to go, but we really should attend.



  1. harkinta, punnitseminen, pohdinta, pohdiskelu, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, muistaa, palauttaa mieleensä, muistella, tuoda mieleen, tunnistaa, tuntea, muistuttaa.

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pohdinta puhekieltä To ponder, to go over in one's head.


(RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)
So this was my future home, I thought! Certainly it made a brave picture. I had seen similar ones fired-in on many a Heidelberg stein. Backed by towering hills,(..)a sky of palest Gobelin flecked with fat, fleecy little clouds, it in truth looked a dear little city; the city of one's dreams.
puhekieltä To communicate to oneself in one's mind, to try to find a solution to a problem.
puhekieltä To conceive of something or someone (usually followed by of; infrequently, by on).
puhekieltä To be of the opinion (that).
puhekieltä To guess; to reckon.
puhekieltä To consider, judge, regard, or look upon (something) as.
To plan; to be considering; to be of a mind (to do something).
Sir (w), (w)
The cupbearer shrugged up his shoulders in displeasure. "I thought to have lodged him in the solere chamber," said he(..)
To presume; to venture.
(w), (w) iii. 9
Think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father.


think rimmaa näiden kanssa:

long drink, still drink

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