


  1. asia, juttu

  2. esine, tavara



  1. fyysinen entiteetti, esine, asia, teko, vaihtoehto, raikaste, kauhistus.

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asia That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept.
A word, symbol, sign, or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity.
An individual object or distinct entity.
puhekieltä Something that is normal or generally recognised.


Whatever can be owned.
corporeal Corporeal object.
puhekieltä The latest fad or fashion.
puhekieltä clothes Clothes, possessions or equipment.
puhekieltä A unit or container, usually containing edible goods.
puhekieltä A problem, dilemma, or complicating factor.
puhekieltä A penis.
1959, (w), (w), 50th anniversary edition (2009), p. 126:
“Oh Gertie it’s true. It’s all true. They’ve got a horrid gash instead of a thrilling thing.”
A living being or creature.
That which matters; the crux.
(non-gloss definition)
1914, Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, The Movie Man playscript:
Don’t forget to have Gomez postpone that shooting thing. (qualifier)
puhekieltä That which is favoured; personal preference. ((non-gloss definition))
puhekieltä A public assembly or judicial council in a Germanic country.
1974, Jón Jóhannesson, A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth: Íslendinga Saga, translated by Haraldur Bessason, page 46:
In accordance with Old Germanic custom men came to the thing fully armed, ...
1974, Jakob Benediktsson, Landnám og upphaf allsherjarríkis, in Saga Íslands, quoted in 1988 by Jesse L. Byock in Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power, page 85:
The goðar seem both to have received payment of thing-fararkaup from those who stayed home and at the same time compensated those who went to the thing, and it cannot be seen whether they had any profit from these transactions.
1988, Jesse L. Byock, Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power, page 59:
All Icelandic things were skap-thing, meaning that they were governed by established procedure and met at regular legally designated intevals at predetermined meeting places.
puhekieltä To express as a thing; to reify.
English thing, object
case, matter, issue
matter, case
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


  • " serial music, the series itself is seldom audible... What I'm interested in is a compositional process and a sounding music that are one in the same thing."

  • "(vartiotykin tappo) I told ya don't touch that darn thing. (Varoitin, että älä koske tuohon hiton tykkiin.)"


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