


  1. perpron|k=en he

  2. dempron|k=en ne

  3. arkikieli|perpron|sukupuolineutraaleissa yhteyksissä|k=en hän

Esimerkkejä they sanan käytöstä:

'They' took our jobs!

Those few precious memories, treasured as they were, were tossed aside in a fit of rage.

It is up to each student to disclose their legal status as they see fit. (


englanti puhekieltä A group of people, animals, plants{{, or objects previously mentioned. (defdate)

Fred and Jane? They just arrived.   Dogs may bark if they want to be fed.   Plants wilt if they are not watered.

I have a car and a truck, but they are both broken.

2010, Iguana Invasion!: Exotic Pets Gone Wild in Florida (ISBN 1561644684), page 9:
There is no reason to be scared of iguanas. They do not attack humans.
puhekieltä A single person, previously mentioned, especially if of unknown or non-binary gender, but not if previously named and identified as male or female. (defdate)
(RQ:Authorized Version)
Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
{{quote-book|year=1997|first=J. K.|last=Rowling|authorlink=J. K. Rowling
2008, (w), quoted in (w), Michelle Obama in Her Own Words, New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2009. ISBN 978 1 58648 762 1, page 18:
One thing a nominee earns is the right to pick the vice president that they think will best reflect their vision of the country, and I am just glad I will have nothing to do with it.
2014, Ivan E. Coyote, Rae Spoon, Gender Failure (ISBN 1551525372)
The boycott, led by Elisha Lim, of a Toronto gay and lesbian newspaper after it refused to use their preferred pronoun "they", citing grammar considerations, inspired me.
2015 April, (w) (mayor of Baltimore), commenting on the death of Freddie Gray:
I'm angry that we're here again, that we have had to tell another mother that their child is dead.
puhekieltä People; some people; people in general; someone, excluding the speaker.

They say it’s a good place to live.

They didn’t have computers in the old days.

They should do something about this.

They have a lot of snow in winter.


they rimmaa näiden kanssa:

maahockey, jockey, disc jockey, jersey

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