


  1. tekstuuri

  2. rakenne, koostumus, laatu



  1. karkea, karhea, hieno, hienojakoinen, ohut, tuntemus, kudos, tuntu, tuntuma.

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rakenne, struktuuri

kudos, tuntu

pinta The feel or shape of a surface or substance; the smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. of something.

The beans had a grainy, gritty texture in her mouth.

puhekieltä The quality given to a work of art by the composition and interaction of its parts.

The piece of music had a mainly smooth texture.

puhekieltä An image applied to a polygon to create the appearance of a surface.
2004, Will Smith, Maximum PC Guide to Building a Dream PC (page 97)
The videocard is responsible for drawing every polygon, texture, and particle effect in every game you play.
puhekieltä The act or art of weaving.


puhekieltä Something woven; a woven fabric; a web.
Others, apart far in the grassy dale, / Or roughening waste, their humble texture weave.
puhekieltä A tissue.
to create or apply a texture

''Drag the trowel through the plaster to texture the wall.

Noun texture
(inflection of)


texture rimmaa näiden kanssa:

force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure

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