

  1. tenori

Liittyvät sanat: bass



  1. korkea, kimeä, tenori-.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: tenori, tenoriaaria, tenorilaulaja, tenorisaksofoni, tenoriääni.





kulku puhekieltä Musical range or section higher than bass and lower than alto.
A person, instrument{{, or group that performs in the tenor (gloss) range.
puhekieltä Musical part or section that holds or performs the main melody, as opposed to the contratenor bassus and contratenor altus, who perform countermelodies. tone Tone, as of a conversation.
puhekieltä duration; continuance; a state of holding on in a continuous course; general tendency; career.

Along the cool sequestered vale of life / They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.
puhekieltä The subject in a metaphor to which attributes are ascribed.
puhekieltä Time to maturity of a bond.
Stamp; character; nature.
This success would look like chance, if it were perpetual, and always of the same tenor.
puhekieltä An exact copy of a writing, set forth in the words and figures of it. It differs from purport, which is only the substance or general import of the instrument.


That course of thought which holds on through a discourse; the general drift or course of thought; purport; intent; meaning; understanding.
When it the bond is paid according to the tenor.
Does not the whole tenor of the divine law positively require humility and meekness to all men?
Of or pertaining to the tenor part or range.

He has a tenor voice.

1962, Frank Howard Richardson, For Parents Only: The Doctor Discusses Discipline
Many a star athlete has very little hair anywhere except what he wears on top of his head, and a voice that is absolutely tenor.
2009, Richard Smith, Cant You Hear Me Calling: The Life of Bill Monroe, Father of Bluegrass'', Da Capo Press (ISBN 9780786731169)
Sometimes Charlie would sing notes that were more tenor than original melody, forcing Bill to sing a high baritone-style line.
2012, Lily George, Captain of Her Heart, Harlequin (ISBN 9781459221239), page 173
The door swung open, and a masculine voice—a little more tenor than Brookes&39;s bass tones—called, “Brookes, come in. Do you have your colleague with you?”
2015, Michael J. Senger Sr., The Connection, Lulu Press, Inc (ISBN 9781257217854)
Kahn was not a big man and he had a voice that was a little more tenor than most preferred.
(l), tendency
tenorEnglish tenor (musical range, person, instrument or group performing in the tenor range)
(io-form of)
a holding on, continuance, course, career, duration
a holder
(l) (qualifier)
holder; possessor (one who possesses; one who has)
content (of a letter)
puhekieltä sense, meaning


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