


  1. samaa merkitsevä kuin, käytännössä sama (~ to)

Esimerkkejä tantamount sanan käytöstä:

Its tantamount to fraud.

In this view, disagreement and treason are tantamount.



  1. tasa-arvoinen, tasavertainen, vastaava, samaa merkitsevä, samanlainen.

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samaa merkitsevä puhekieltä To amount to as much; to be equivalent.


puhekieltä Something which has the same value or amount (as something else). (qualifier)
1977, the Last Essays of Maurice Hewlett, page 42:
For end thereof, not despondency but madness : for when Cossey understood that Hobday had called his wife a tantamount, he waited for him outside, and gave him what he called a pair of clippers over the ear.
equivalent Equivalent in meaning or effect.

Its tantamount to fraud.''

In this view, disagreement and treason are tantamount.

De Quincey
the certainty that delay, under these circumstances, was tantamount to ruin
1981, Del Martin, Battered Wives (page 90)
(..) expecting the woman to take her attacker into physical custody is tantamount to preventing the arrest. If she could handle him, she probably would not need to call the police in the first place.


tantamount rimmaa näiden kanssa:

croissant, management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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