
Tarkoititko: tali

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englanti puhekieltä A talker; a teller
2000, Taimi Anne Olsen, Transcending Space:
Earth writes from the point of view of " 'Baylor' the Taler of Behler the Failer" who tells Scheherazade's story (to Death, her "familiar stranger") of Somebody's last voyage.
2007, Barbara A. Hanawalt, The Wealth of Wives:
She had a series of aliases: “longa mariona wode alias Birde alias taler” long Mariona Wode, alias Birdie, alias taler, perhaps tale teller.
puhekieltä Germanic unit of currency used between the 15th and 19th centuries.
(plural indefinite of)
(present tense of)
(l) (currency)
puhekieltä to damage (a fruit)
a speaker (person who speaks, or who makes a speech)
(inflection of)
puhekieltä (inflection of)


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takuutyö, talamus, talari, talas, tali, talidomidi

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