

  1. lähtö, nousu, ilmaannousu

  2. imitaatio

  3. käännekohta



  1. lähteminen, lentoonlähtö, lähtö, matkiminen, jäljittely, parodia, pilkanteko, karikatyyri, pilakuva, imitaatio, pilapiirros, ivamukaelma, travestia, paskilli, pilkkakirjoitus, huijaus, ilmaannousu, nousu, nouseminen.

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lähtö, lentoonlähtö The rising or ascent of an aircraft or rocket into flight.

The flight was smooth, but the takeoff was a little rough.

A parody or lampoon of someone or something.

w:Weird Al Yankovic|Weird Als song "Lasagna" is a takeoff on the popular song "La Bamba".''

1897, Edward Bellamy, Equality, s:Equality (Bellamy)/Chapter 23|ch. 23
I came across a little pamphlet of the period, yellow and almost undecipherable, which, on examination, I found to be a rather amusing skit or satirical take-off on the profit system.
A quantification, especially of building materials.

Ill give you an estimate after I do the quantity takeoffs for the trusses and structural steel.''

puhekieltä The removal of sheets from the press.
The spot from which one takes off; specifically, the place from which a jumper rises in leaping.
Encyclopaedia of Sport
The take-off should be selected with great care, and a pit of large dimensions provided on the landing side.


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