
Tarkoititko: tapuli

Ehdota määritelmää

Liittyvät sanat: tapuli, tapulikaupunki, tapulioikeus, taputella, taputtaa, taputus.


englanti (alternative form of)

2004: Spies were sent to test the Moriori’s mettle by violating tapu & despoiling holy sites. — David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

1859, Arthur Saunders Thomson, The Story of New Zealand: Past and Present (page 105)
Tapuing seeds and fields are types of the English laws for protecting out-door property; women tapued to men is matrimony; tapuing sick persons is analogous to the quarantine orders against lepers, the plague and the yellow fever.
(lv-inflection of)
sacred, taboo
oath, pledge
sacred, taboo, forbidden
deed (document)
deed office, for example the registrar of landownership


tāpu rimmaa näiden kanssa:

apu, asiantuntija-apu, ruoka-apu, virka-apu, kaapu, nunnankaapu, munkinkaapu, papinkaapu, pohjeapu, aseapu

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