
Tarkoititko: sysi

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englanti puhekieltä A system operator, especially someone who administers an online communications system or bulletin board.
puhekieltä To work as a sysop.
1977, Henry Torsey Fernald, Fernald Club Yearbook (issues 46-55, page 28)
Another major chunk of time goes into computer work - entering the data which is dumped on my desk at irregular intervals by the other IPM programs, tidying up the database, and sysopping on our micro-based bulletin board system.
puhekieltä To give someone sysop privileges.


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bebop, hiphop, shop, workshop, hiiop, kop, pop, top, tiptop, stop

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Läheisiä sanoja

sysi, sysimusta, sysipimeä, sysiä, syssyyn, systeemi

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