


  1. kanto

  2. tynkä

  3. kriketti|k=en yksi hilan kolmesta pystyssä olevasta kepistä

  4. AmE|politiikka|k=en vaalikenttä, kampanjatilaisuus

Esimerkkejä stump sanan käytöstä:

the stump of an amputated leg

stump speech – kampanjapuhe

Liittyvät sanat: cigarrettstump



  1. jalusta, podium, koroke, puhujakoroke, saarnatuoli, pakkilaatikko, palkintokoroke, saarnastuoli, lava, tolppa, pylväs, keppi, ruumiinosa, juuri, tynkä.

Lisää synonyymejää







kampanjoida The remains of something that has been cut off; especially the remains of a tree, the remains of a limb.
puhekieltä The place or occasion at which a campaign takes place; the husting.
puhekieltä A place or occasion at which a person harangues or otherwise addresses a group in a manner suggesting political oration.
1886, w:Henry James|Henry James, The Princess Casamassima.

Paul Muniment had taken hold of Hyacinth, and said, 'I'll trouble you to stay, you little desperado. I'll be blowed if I ever expected to see you on the stump!'
puhekieltä One of three small wooden posts which together with the bails make the wicket and that the fielding team attempt to hit with the ball.
puhekieltä An artists’ drawing tool made of rolled paper used to smudge or blend marks made with charcoal, Conté crayon, pencil or other drawing media.
A wooden or concrete pole used to support a house.
puhekieltä A leg.

to stir ones stumps''

A pin in a tumbler lock which forms an obstruction to throwing the bolt except when the gates of the tumblers are properly arranged, as by the key.
A pin or projection in a lock to form a guide for a movable piece.
puhekieltä to stop, confuse, or puzzle
puhekieltä to baffle; to be unable to find an answer to a question or problem

''This last question has me stumped.

puhekieltä to campaign

He’s been stumping for that reform for months.

puhekieltä to travel over (a state, a district, etc.) giving speeches for electioneering purposes
puhekieltä to get a batsman out stumped
puhekieltä to bowl down the stumps of (a wicket)
A herd of boys with clamour bowled, / And stumped the wicket.
puhekieltä to walk heavily or clumsily, plod, trudge

en stump genstand

a blunt instrument

puhekieltä (l)
2015, Haruki Murakami, Mænd uden kvinder, Klim (ISBN 9788771297928)
Det eneste, der er tilbage, er en gammel stump viskelæder og sømændenes fjerne klagesange.
: All that is left is an old piece of an eraser and the distant elegies of the sailors.
English stump; something which has been cut off or continuously shortened, such as a very short pencil


  • stumppaa: sammuttaa tupakka : Olin ihan pihalla, ku Lare stumppas mun poskeen.

  • stumppaa: litistää / vähätellä

  • stumppi: savukkeen pätkä

  • stumppi: lyhyt

Läheisiä sanoja

stuertti, stukki, stukko, stukkotyö, stuntman, suahili

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