
Esimerkkejä strake sanan käytöstä:

{{quote-book|year=1884|author={{w|Dixon Kemp}}|title=A Manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing (Fourth Edition)|page=13-14|passage=With regard to materials, all the frames should be of oak and so should the stem piece, stern post, upper portion of dead woods, knight heads, apron, beams, shelf clamp, bilge strakes, and keelson; the keel will generally be found to be either English or American elm. The garboard strakes are generally of American elm, and it is best that the planking above should be of American elm or oak to within a foot or so of the load water-line, and teak above to the covering board or deck edge.}}



  1. kölisarja, kölilankku, parras, reelinki, varpekansi, laidoitus, lauta, lankku.

Lisää synonyymejää



laidoitus puhekieltä An iron fitting of a medieval cart wheel.
puhekieltä A type of aerodynamic surface mounted on an aircraft fuselage to fine-tune the airflow.
puhekieltä A continuous line of plates or planks running from bow to stern that contributes to a vessel's skin. (FM 55-501).
puhekieltä A shaped piece of wood used to level a bed or contour the shape of a mould, as for a bell
A trough for washing broken ore, gravel, or sand; a launder.
puhekieltä A streak.
Bible, Genesis xxx. 37

And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut(SI) tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods.


puhekieltä To stretch.
puhekieltä (en-simple past of)
Sir Philip Sidney, The Countess of Pembrokes Arcadia''
But, when he strake — which came so thick as if every blow would strive to be foremost — his arm seemed still a postillion of death.
Sir Arthur Gorges
But when of Eglantine he spake, / His strings melodiously he strake.


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haarake, okahaarake, sarake, pystysarake, kerake

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