


  1. palli, jakkara

  2. rahi

  3. lääketiede|k=en uloste

Esimerkkejä stool sanan käytöstä:

stool sample

Liittyvät sanat: feces , faeces , excrement



  1. leirituoli, retkituoli, häpeäpenkki, kuivakäymälä, vesikäymälä, käymälä, klosetti, kylppäri, veski, huuhtelukäymälä, WC, jakkara, jalkatuki, jalkajakkara, palli, rahi, wc-pönttö, pönttö, yöastia, pytty, vessa, wc-istuin, paskahuussi, vessanpönttö.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: stoola.







reagoida A seat for one person without a back or armrest, particularly:
A footstool.
puhekieltä A seat; a seat with a back; a chair.
puhekieltä throne Throne.
puhekieltä A plant that has been cut down until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a stool, to promote new growth.
(quote-book)|year=2011|pages=88 and 154|isbn=978-1-4200-6508-4|passage=With stool bedding, the plants are pruned back to the ground in the dormant season, and the shoots that form in the spring have juvenile characteristics and are called "juvenile reversion shoots." Stool bedding or stool bed layering is a common practice for the production of rootstocks of apple. (..) The closer the apical meristem is to the roots of the plant, the more juvenile it is likely to be. This feature is exploited by techniques such as hedging or stool bedding that employ severe pruning to decrease the distance between the new growth and the root system, thus acting to rejuvenate the plant and benefit from the ease of rooting that is characteristic of the juvenile phase.
(quote-book)|title=A Dictionary of Plant Sciences|edition=3rd|location=Oxford|publisher=(w)|year=2012|isbn=978-0-19-960057-1|pages=125 and 486|passage=A coppice may be large, in which case trees, usually ash (Fraxinus) or maple (Acer) are cut, leaving a massive stool from which up to 10 trunks arise; or small, in which case trees, usually hazel (Corylus), hawthorn (Crataegus), or willow (Salix), are cut to leave small, underground stools producing many short stems. (..) One consequence of coppicing is that the stool enlarges because each subsequent growth of shoots occurs on its outside. The diameter of a stool is thus directly related to its age. (..) stool 1. A tree stump that is capable of producing new shoots. 2. The permanent base of a *coppiced tree.
puhekieltä A seat used for urination and defecation: a chamberpot, commode, outhouse seat, or toilet.
puhekieltä feces Feces, excrement.
puhekieltä A production of feces or excrement, an act of defecation, stoolingNoun stooling: a shit.
(quote-book)|year=2004|page=132|isbn=978-0-7817-2877-5|passage=Normal stooling is widely variant. Some infants only have one stool per day, especially those on formula feeding. Others may stool with each feeding. Such frequent stooling is common in breast-fed infants during the first month of life.
puhekieltä A decoy.
puhekieltä A small channel on the side of a vessel, for the deadeyes of the backstays.


puhekieltä Material, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to.
puhekieltä To produce stool, to defecate.
(quote-book)|year=2004|page=132|isbn=978-0-7817-2877-5|passage=Normal stooling is widely variant. Some infants only have one stool per day, especially those on formula feeding. Others may stool with each feeding. Such frequent stooling is common in breast-fed infants during the first month of life.
puhekieltä To cut down (a plant) until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a Noun stool, to promote new growth.
(quote-book)|year=2011|page=411|isbn=978-1-111-30730-1|passage=Cutting back to the same position annually is usually referred to as pollarding; cutting nearly to the ground is usually called stooling. Both are good methods of controlling height and maintaining vigor on plants that would normally grow to a large size. (..) Those plants that generate many small stems crowded together are difficult to pollard so they are normally stooled. Some people refer to stooling as coppice.
(quote-journal) (Review)|city=London|date=23 October 2015|passage=The healthier of your two holly hollies is multi-stemmed, indicating that it was once stooled (cut down to a point just above the ground). It has since grown back vigorously to become a thick, wide tree which enabled it even more to overshadow the one that you say was quite severely pruned last year.
A plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil.
(quote-book) into the soil to a certain depth, and elevating the top part of it out of the soil in an upright direction; in time the buried part takes root, and the shoot becomes a perfect plant. The root which produces the young shoots for layering is called the stool. Stools are planted about six feet apart every way in a deep fresh soil. (..) Stool. – The root of a tree which has been left in the ground, the produce of another tree, or shoot for saplings, underwood, &c.
(quote-book); Richard A. Sikora; John Bridge|title=Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture|edition=2nd|location=Wallingford, Oxon.; Cambridge, Mass.|publisher=w:CABI (organisation)|CABI Publishing|year=2005|page=646|isbn=978-0-85199-727-8|passage=Soon after harvest, new shoots emerge from axillary buds on the stubble and give rise to the ratoon crop. Initially the young shoots are dependent upon the roots of the previous crop (stool roots) but these are replaced by new shoot roots (..).
puhekieltä To ramify; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers.
1869, w:Richard Blackmore|Richard D. Blackmore, s:Lorna Doone|Lorna Doone, s:Lorna Doone/Chapter 38|chapter 38:
I worked very hard in the copse of young ash, with my billhook and a shearing-knife; cutting out the saplings where they stooled too close together, making spars to keep for thatching, wall-crooks to drive into the cob, stiles for close sheep hurdles, and handles for rakes, and hoes, and two-bills, of the larger and straighter stuff.
(quote-journal)|year=1981|volume=21|page=149|oclc=1590549|passage=In a field experiment planted in spring 1969, the red raspberry 'Glen Clova' was grown both in hedgerows and in stooled rows. Although spur blight (Didymella applanata) and cane botrytis (Botrytis cinerea) were more frequent on canes removed as thinnings from the hedgerows than on those removed from stooled plots, the differences were trivial.
puhekieltä A denouncer or whistleblower; a stoolie.


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