


  1. (tarkkaan määritetty) työjakso, ajanjakso, jakso

Esimerkkejä stint sanan käytöstä:

I worked a two-week 'stint' as a supply teacher.

He had a 'stint' in jail.



  1. kesto, kestoaika, ajanjakso, vankeusrangaistus, jakso, aika, kausi, nuukailla, pihistellä, kitsastella, pihdata, pihtailla, säästää, varustaa, antaa, tarjota, kalustaa, pihistää.

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pihistellä, nuukailla

pihtailla, kitsastella

aika A period of time spent doing or being something. A spell.

He had a stint in jail.

limit; bound; restraint; extent
God has wrote upon no created thing the utmost stint of his power.
Quantity or task assigned; proportion allotted.
His old stint — three thousand pounds a year.
puhekieltä To stop (an action); cease, desist.
1460-1500, The Towneley Playsː
We maun have pain that never shall stint.
1590, (w), (w), III.iii:
O do thy cruell wrath and spightfull wrong / At length allay, and stint thy stormy strife (..)
(rfdate) (w)
And stint thou too, I pray thee.
The damsel stinted in her song.
puhekieltä To stop speaking or talking (of a subject).
Late 14th century, (w), ‘The Franklin's Tale’, (w):
Now wol I stynten of this Arveragus, / And speken I wole of Dorigen his wyf
puhekieltä To be sparing or mean.

The next party you throw, dont stint on the beer.''

puhekieltä To restrain within certain limits; to bound; to restrict to a scant allowance.
I shall not go about to extenuate the latitude of the curse upon the earth, or stint it only to the production of weeds.
She stints them in their meals.
To assign a certain task to (a person), upon the performance of which he/she is excused from further labour for that day or period; to stent.
To impregnate successfully; to get with foal; said of mares.
The majority of maiden mares will become stinted while at work.
Any of several very small wading birds in the genus Calidris. Types of sandpiper, such as the dunlin or the sanderling.
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stint rimmaa näiden kanssa:

croissant, management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent

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