
Tarkoititko: stipendi

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti to sting
puhekieltä to stab, to sting, to prick
puhekieltä to wound, to hurt(jump)
puhekieltä to prick with something, to stab with something

Hann stakk hnífnum í borðið.

He sticked the knife in the table.

puhekieltä to slip something, to put something

Prinsessan stakk einhverju í vasa bóndans.

The princess slipped something into the farmer's pocket.

Hún hætti lestri og stakk skruddunni í hilluna.

She stopped reading and put the old book into the shelf.

puhekieltä to strike someone

Það stakk mig.

It struck me.

(inflection of)
(lv-inflection of)
to sting, to pierce


stinga rimmaa näiden kanssa:

saaga, malaga, kollega, oomega, nega, bygga, taiga, liiga, nappulaliiga, mimmiliiga

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