


  1. purseri

  2. stuertti

  3. tilanhoitaja, pehtori, isännöitsijä

  4. luottamusmies



  1. puolustaja, vartija, suojelija, vahti, holhooja, talonmies, hoitaja, kamariherra, intendentti, konservaattori, kuraattori, valvoja, pehtori, riistanvalvoja, taloudenhoitaja, tilanhoitaja.

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luottamusmies A person who manages the property or affairs for another entity, particularly puhekieltä the chief administrator of a medieval manor.
A ship's officer who is in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions.
(RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)

There is an hour or two, after the passengers have embarked, which is disquieting and fussy. Mail bags, so I understand, are being put on board. Stewards, carrying cabin trunks, swarm in the corridors. Passengers wander restlessly about or hurry, with futile energy, from place to place.
A flight attendant, puhekieltä a male flight attendant.
A union member who is selected as a representative for fellow workers in negotiating terms with management.
A person who has charge of buildings and/or grounds and/or animals.
A fiscal agent of certain bodies.


In some colleges, an officer who provides food for the students and superintends the kitchen; also, an officer who attends to the accounts of the students.
In Scotland, a magistrate appointed by the crown to exercise jurisdiction over royal lands.


In information technology, somebody who is responsible for managing a set of projects, products or technologies and how they affect the IT organization to which they belong.
To act as the steward or caretaker of (something)
{{quote-journal|date=May 1, 2007|author=Richard G. Jones|title=An Acting Governor’s Balancing Act: Taking the Lead Without Stepping on Toes|work=New York Times|url=
English steward


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