


  1. (merenkulku) ahtaaja

Liittyvät sanat: docker , longshoreman



  1. työläinen, metsätyömies, tukkijätkä, työntekijä, ahtaaja, kuormaaja, satamatyöläinen, lastaaja.

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ahtaaja A dockworker involved in loadVerb loading and unloading cargo, or in supervise supervising such work. (defdate)
(quote-journal)|date=2 July 1788|page=3|oclc=2263907|passage=Stowadores.
(quote-book); (w)|year=1956|page=15|pageurl=|oclc=16690516|passage=The hatch foreman or gang boss supervises the longshore gang and directs their loading and discharge efforts. He assigns each member of the gang to a specific job, usually the same job each day or each shift; discusses operational problems with the stevedore superintendent who is in charge of the entire ship operation; inspects the stowage area; supervises the positioning and rigging of booms, etc. The stevedore superintendent and hatch foreman occupy strategic positions from a safety viewpoint.
(quote-book) A master stevedore would contract to load vessels for shipping-lines whose vessels might be berthed at a number of docks, or even in the river. In following up the work of their employers stevedores might be required to work sometimes at the Victoria Dock, sometimes at the East India Dock, and so on.
(quote-journal)|month=March|year=1970|volume=56|page=254|pageurl=|oclc=50629671|passage=For the past several years the stevedore footnote: The term "stevedore" commonly refers to the contractor who employs longshoremen, who physically load and unload ships' cargo, one of the newest members of the maritime family, has found himself drifting helplessly onto the rocks of legal peril. (..) However, recent developments appear to offer the stevedore new hope that may in time result in judicial deliverance.
puhekieltä To load or unload a ship's cargo.
(quote-book)|year=1963|oclc=463482294|passage=In Barcelona, when he was stevedoring at the docks (..)


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