


  1. höyrykeitin, höyrytin

  2. merenkulku|k=en höyrylaiva

  3. höyryveturi



  1. keittoastia, keittoastiat, siipiratasalus, alus, laiva, höyryalus, höyrylaiva, höyrykattila, höyrykeitin.

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höyrykattila, höyrykeitin

höyrylaiva, höyryalus puhekieltä A cooking appliance that cooks by steaming.
(rft-sense) A vessel in which articles are subjected to the action of steam, as in washing, and in various processes of manufacture.
(sense) A vessel propelled by steam; a steamship or steamboat.
A steam-powered road locomotive; a traction engine.
A wetsuit which has long sleeves and long legs.
A dish of steamed clams.
Any species of the duck genus Tachyeres, of which all four species occur in South America, and three are flightless.
puhekieltä A food made by cooking diced meat very slowly in a tightly sealed pot, with a minimum of flavourings, allowing it to steam in its own juices; popular circa 1850 but apparently no longer so by the 1900s.
(ante) “Melville”, Australia, quoted in 1864, Edward Abbott, The English and Australian Cookery Book: Cookery for the Many, as Well as for the ‘Upper Ten Thousand’, London, in turn quoted in 1998, Colin Bannerman, et al., Acquired Tastes: Celebrating Australia′s Culinary History, (w) (publisher), ISBN 0-642-10693-2, page 14,

Of all the dishes ever brought to table, nothing equals that of the steamer.
puhekieltä A steam fire engine, a fire engine consisting of a steam boiler and engine, and pump which is driven by the engine, combined and mounted on wheels (Webster 1913).
puhekieltä A horse whose odds are decreasing (becoming shorter) because bettors are backing it.
(short for)
puhekieltä Member of a youth gang who engages in robbing and escaping as a large group.
puhekieltä oral sex|Oral sex performed on a man.
puhekieltä A homosexual man with a preference for passive partners.
puhekieltä A prostitute's client.
puhekieltä A gambler who increases a wager after losing.
puhekieltä A drinking session.
A babycino (frothy milk drink).
puhekieltä To travel by steamer.
puhekieltä English steamer, steamboat


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