


  1. vesihöyry, höyry

  2. huuru

Liittyvät sanat: vapor



  1. vesihöyry, höyry, avohöyry, huuru, vihastua, nähdä punaista, kiukuta, raivota, nousta, liikkua ylös, kohota, tulla ylös, höyrytä.

Lisää synonyymejää



höyry, vesihöyry

raivota, kiukuta

höyrytä The vapor formed when water changes from liquid phase to gas phase.
pressurized Pressurized water vapour used for heating, cooking, or to provide mechanical energy.
puhekieltä Internal energy for motive power.

After three weeks in bed he was finally able to sit up under his own steam.

puhekieltä pent-up Pent-up anger.

Dad had to go outside to blow off some steam.

A steam-powered vehicle.
Travel by means of a steam-powered vehicle.
puhekieltä Any exhalation.
a steam of rich, distilled perfumes
puhekieltä To cook with steam.
puhekieltä To expose to the action of steam; to apply steam to for softening, dressing, or preparing.

to steam wood or cloth

puhekieltä To produce or vent steam.
My brother's ghost hangs hovering there, / O'er his warm blood, that steams into the air.
puhekieltä To rise in vapour; to issue, or pass off, as vapour.
The dissolved amber (..) steamed away into the air.
puhekieltä To become angry; to fume; to be incensed.
puhekieltä To make angry.

It really steams me to see her treat him like that.

puhekieltä To be covered with condensed water vapor.

With all the heavy breathing going on the windows were quickly steamed in the car.

puhekieltä To travel by means of steam power.

We steamed around the Mediterranean.

N. P. Willis
The vessel steamed out of port.
puhekieltä To move with great or excessive purposefulness.

If he heard of anyone picking the fruit he would steam off and lecture them.

puhekieltä To exhale.


Old-fashioned; from before the digital age.
(l) (water vapor)


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