


  1. alku; aloitus

  2. (urheilu, ym.) lähtö; paikka

  3. etumatka

  4. säpsähdys

Katso myös: sumo, mandariini

Liittyvät sanat: starta



  1. refleksi, heijaste, vaistomainen reaktio, synnynnäinen refleksi, tahdoton reaktio, psykologinen reaktio, säikähdysreaktio, säikähdysrefleksi, Mororefleksi, säpsähdys, hätkähdys, hypähdys, sätky, alkaa, käydä käsiksi, ruveta, ryhtyä, aloittaa, alkaa olla jtak, alkaa tehdä jtak, saada tehdä jtak, tulla jksik, saada alkunsa jstak.

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Liittyvät sanat: startata, starttaus, startti, starttipistooli, starttiraha.





saada alkunsa jstak

ryhtyä The beginning of an activity.

The movie was entertaining from start to finish.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, / Straining upon the start.
A sudden involuntary movement.

He woke with a start.

Nature does nothing by starts and leaps, or in a hurry.
Robert Louis Stevenson, Olalla
The sight of his scared face, his starts and pallors and sudden harkenings, unstrung me (..)
The beginning point of a race, a board game, etc.
An appearance in a sports game from the beginning of the match.

Jones has been a substitute before, but made his first start for the team last Sunday.

A young plant germinate germinated in a pot to be transplant transplanted later.
puhekieltä To begin, commence, initiate.
To set in motion.


(w) (1672-1719)
I was engaged in conversation upon a subject which the people love to start in discourse.
To begin.
(senseid)To initiate operation of a vehicle or machine.
To put or raise (a question, an objection); to put forward (a subject for discussion).
To bring onto being or into view; to originate; to invent.
Sir (w) (1628–1699)
Sensual men agree in the pursuit of every pleasure they can start.
puhekieltä To begin an activity.
To startle or be startled; to move or be moved suddenly.
puhekieltä To jerk suddenly in surprise.
(w) (1564-1616)
But if he start, / It is the flesh of a corrupted heart.
(w) (1631-1700)
I start as from some dreadful dream.
(w) (1674-1748)
Keep your soul to the work when ready to start aside.
puhekieltä To move suddenly from its place or position; to displace or loosen; to dislocate.
One, by a fall in wrestling, started the end of the clavicle from the sternum.
puhekieltä To awaken suddenly.
(rfdat) (w)
I started from my sleep with horror(..)
To disturb and cause to move suddenly; to startle; to alarm; to rouse; to cause to flee or fly.
Upon malicious bravery dost thou come / To start my quiet?
puhekieltä To break away, to come loose.
1749, (w), (w) (Penguin 1985 reprint), page 66:
we could, with the greatest ease as well as clearness, see all objects (ourselves unseen) only by applying our eyes close to the crevice, where the moulding of a panel had warped or started a little on the other side.
puhekieltä To put into play.
2010, Brian Glanville, The Story of the World Cup: The Essential Companion to South Africa 2010, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 9780571236053, page 361:
The charge against Zagallo then is not so much that he started Ronaldo, but that when it should surely have been clear that the player was in no fit state to take part he kept him on.
puhekieltä To pour out; to empty; to tap and begin drawing from.
puhekieltä To start your periods (menstruation).
A tail, or anything projecting like a tail.
A handle, especially that of a plough.
The curved or inclined front and bottom of a water wheel bucket.
The arm, or level, of a gin, drawn around by a horse.
(l) (gloss)
(imperative of)
(nl-verb form of)
(de-verb form of)
a (l)

fra start til mål - from start to finish

(form of)
puhekieltä start (qualifier)
puhekieltä takeoff

Z niecierpliwością czekałam na start samolotu do Paryża.

I was impatiently waiting for the plane to Paris to take off. (=for its take-off)


Większość kibiców ucieszyła się, że zdecydował się on na start w zawodach.

Most fans were happy to hear that he had decided to take part in the competition.

a startEnglish start; a beginning (of a race)
the starting (of an engine)


  • starttaa: lähteä : Eihä se rukki enää startannu.

  • startti: lähtö

  • starttii: juosta pakoon


  • "- - Olen kyllästynyt ja väsynyt siihen jonnijoutavaan ja idioottimaiseen paskanjauhantaan, jota nykyiset niin kutsumani mätäparlamentaariset rappiodemokraattiset puolueet harjoittavat."

  • "Johnson, the terrorists have the bomb. They're going to kill everybody in the city. We can't let the terrorists win, so you have to kill everybody before they do. Here's a shotgun. start from downtown.(Suomeksi: Johnson, terroristeillä on pommi. He aikovat tappaa jokaisen kaupungissa. Emme saa antaa terroristien voittaa, joten sinun pitää tappaa kaikki ennen kuin he tekevät sen. Tässä on haulikko. Aloita keskustasta.) "

  • "start prayin', boy! (Ala rukoilla, poika!)"


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