

  1. tolppa, pylväs, pönkkä, tukipilari, paalu.

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pönkkä, tolppa, paalu, pylväs, tukipilari A vertical pole, post, or support.
1938, w:Xavier Herbert|Xavier Herbert, w:Capricornia (novel)|Capricornia, New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1943, Chapter IX, p. 149,

The train began to move. Lace walked with it, holding a stanchion.
2013, w:J. M. Coetzee|J. M. Coetzee, w:The Childhood of Jesus|The Childhood of Jesus. Melbourne, Australia: The Text Publishing Company. chapter 27. p. 268.
He staggers against a stanchion, trips over a rope, and tumbles into the space between the quay and the steel plates of the freighter.
A framework of such posts, used to secure or confine cattle.
To erect stanchions, or equip something with stanchions.
To confine by means of stanchions, typically used for cattle.


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