


  1. saksanhirvikoiras, uroshirvi

  2. polttarit (miehellä)

Katso myös: stagflaatio



  1. uros, koiras, uroshirvi, punahirvi, saksanhirvi, isokauris, Cervus elaphus, koirashirvi, tarkkailla, varjostaa, nuuskia, urkkia, ottaa selvää, tutkia, tiedustella, valvoa, vahtia.

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Liittyvät sanat: stagflaatio, stagnaatio.




mennä yksin


kantrata An adult male deer.
A colt, or filly.
puhekieltä A romping girl.
An improperly or late castrated bull or ram – also called a bull seg (see note under ox).
An outside irregular dealer in stocks, who is not a member of the exchange.
One who applies for the allotment of shares in new projects, with a view to sell immediately at a premium, and not to hold the stock.
The (vern), (taxlink).
puhekieltä An unmarried male, a bachelor; a male not accompanying a female at a social event.
A social event for males held in honor of a groom on the eve of his wedding, attended by male friends of the groom, sometimes a fund-raiser.

The stag will be held in the hotels ballroom''

A stag beetle (family ''(taxlink)).
2007, Eric R. Eaton, ‎Kenn Kaufman, Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America (page 132)
Members of the genus Pasimachus (..) can be confused with stag beetles (..) but stags have elbowed antennae.
puhekieltä To act as a "stag", an irregular dealer in stocks.
puhekieltä To watch; to dog, or keep track of.
Of a man, attending a formal social function without a date.

My brother went stag to prom because he couldnt find a date.''

(nautical) A stay.
An appliance with a function similar to a nautical stay.


  • staga: maila : Stagan pääs oli kuminuppi ja lapaan käärittii erkkaa.

  • stage: esiintymislava


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